
Sperb’s Herbs is all about helping people be healthier through integrative medicine. 

Every two weeks, we record another podcast directed to integrative medical professionals and anyone who wants to learn about various herbs. Check out our podcasts below from Sperb’s Herbs covering various topics about Chinese single herbs, Chinese herb formulas, and herbs from the world.

You can catch our podcasts right here or from your favorite podcast place!

Da Huang (Rhubarb Root)

This episode will be looking at another important and interesting traditional Chinese herb: dà huáng, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, or rhubarb root …

In this episode will be looking at another traditional herb of the world: Boswellia serrata or Indian frankincense, an important Ayurvedic herb …

Gou Teng (Uncaria)

In this episode, we will be exploring an interesting Chinese herb gōu téng, Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis, or uncaria. This herb is …

This episode covers the covers an interesting Chinese herbal formula, huang lian e jiao tang (coptis and ass-hide gelatin decoction). This is, …

This episode covers the Chinese “herb” chi shi zhi, Halloysitum rubrum, or red halloysite or kaolin. This mineral is in the Chinese …

This episode covers an herb of the world: horseradish or Armoracia rusticana, which is, of course an herb and a food. It …

Ba Ji Tian (Morinda root)

This episode covers  covers the Chinese herb Ba Ji Tian or Morinda root, Morindae officinalis Radix. This is a yang tonifying herb …

This episode covers an interesting Chinese herbal formula, Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin or Universal Benefit Drink to Eliminate Toxin. This is …

Tao Ren (Persicae Semen)

This episode covers the useful Chinese herb Tao Ren or Persicae Semen. This herb is used in Chinese medicine to regulate or …

This episode covers the herb Chamomile or Matricaria chamomilla, a very commonly used herb for relaxation and to help sleep. But are …