Sperb’s Herbs Ep. 12 – Melaleuca Cajuputi (Paperbark)

Picture of Melaleuca_cajuputi - Paperbark

Melaleuca Cajuputi, commonly known as Paperbark, is an herb used by many Aboriginal people in Australia. Generally used for pain and congestion in respiratory infections, we will be looking at the traditional uses and modern science of this interesting herb as well as something fascinating about the cultures that use it. Dr. Sperber lived in Australia for four years and lived and worked with the Aboriginal peoples. He brings personal stories and insights into this culture. So join us for this fascinating journey to the herbs of Down Under…

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The picture used is not copyrighted as it s over 100 years old. It is available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Melaleuca_cajuputi00.jpg.

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